Break Housing and Early Arrival

Living in Bowdoin housing? 你有责任根据房屋开放的日期制定你的计划 academic calendar.
  • Buying a plane ticket? Confirm the opening date. Remember, upperclass students are not required to arrive on that date. 他们在开学前有几天的缓冲期.
  • Driving a long distance to campus? 在地图上标出你的旅行,这样你到达时就可以找到住房.
  • Roommate(s) approved to return early for a program? That approval does not include you.
  • Internship in the Northeast ending in mid-August? 你需要在开业前两周想出一个住房计划.
  • 仅仅出现在校园里并不能让你获得入住许可, so we appreciate you not asking.
  • 试着弄清楚你应该什么时候离开校园休息,或者根本不离开? Check the information below.
  • Internship that starts in June? 你需要想出一个住房计划,从住房关闭到实习开始这段时间.


Fall 2024 Semester


  • Early arrival in August: Students living on campus for the entire 暑期或由部门赞助的项目需求(见下面的团体列表)将自动批准在赞助部门指定的日期提前到达.
    • If you are part of the following groups, you do not need to submit a request. 您将在7月初收到您提前到达校园的确认和您的批准到达日期.
      • Renting on-campus housing from Bowdoin through August 11
      • Orientation trip leader
      • Residential Life student staff
      • College House resident
      • Peer Educator
      • Conduct Review Board member
      • Fall varsity athlete
    • Submit a request under Break Housing in Bricks and Beyond 如果你在8月下旬在学校工作以协助开学,或者你是一名回国的国际学生.
      • Returning international students 是否可以申请并被批准在开学前两天到达,以使学生适应时区并灵活地获得航班. 我们无法接受提前两天以上的请求.
  • Fall Break in October:所有宿舍保持开放,膳食计划有效. 你可以制定计划,离开校园,也可以决定一直留在校园. No sign-up required.

  • Thanksgiving Break in November: Students must sign-up to remain on campus via the Bricks and Beyond housing portal (live in early November). 在第一个周六的晚餐和第二个周日的早餐之间,饮食计划*是无效的.


Winter Break (December 2024 to January 2025)

Students must apply via Bricks and Beyond (感恩节假期后直播)在寒假期间留在校园. 在整个寒假期间,学校不提供膳食计划,食堂通常在12月23日至1/2日关闭.
  • 如果学生有情有可原的情况,需要留在校园 for the entire winter break they should submit a request. 住宿生活办公室可以在寒假住房批准之前与学生的院长沟通. 只有在秋季和春季学期注册并分配了校内住宿的学生才会被考虑休息住宿. 允许学生在学校过寒假的原因:
    • home is outside of the United States
    • financial hardship to travel home
    • challenging family circumstance

  • If you are part of the following groups, you do not need to submit a request:
    • 冬季校队运动员(不同的到达日期取决于球队. 如果您需要提前安排行程,请联系您的教练.)
    • 大二训练营注册参与者(1/14/25到达日期)
    • 荒野急救员培训参与者(到达日期待定)
    • Residential Life student staff (1/17/24 arrival date)
  • 您将在12月初收到您提前到达校园的确认和您的批准到达日期.

  • Returning international students 是否可以申请并被批准在开学前两天到达,以使学生适应时区并灵活地获得航班. 我们无法接受提前两天以上的请求.

Spring 2025 Semester

Housing reopens on Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 8:30am

  • Spring Break in March: Students must sign-up to remain on campus via the Bricks and Beyond housing portal (live at the end of February). 在休息时间的第一个星期六早午餐和休息时间的最后一个星期六早午餐之间,膳食计划*不生效.
  • Spring Varsity Athletes do not need to sign up for housing. 学生将根据体育部为其团队提供的日期自动批准返回/留在宿舍.



Housing for seniors closes on Saturday, May 24, 2025, at 6:00pm

Commencement Night Housing: Seniors participating in graduation may sign up in Bricks and Beyond to remain in their housing through Sunday, May 25, 周日这个出发时间没有延期.

Interim Housing (May to June)

临时住房在五月关闭和夏季开放之间运行. 膳食计划在本学期住房开放的最后一天结束.

Only students who are living on campus for the summer, employed for Commencement and/or Reunion, 或留在校园参加赞助培训(见下面的团体列表)有资格获得临时住房.

If you are part of the following groups, 你不需要提交申请,但应该向你的主管/担保人确认你在他们批准的临时住房名单上. 然后你会在2025年5月16日收到你的住房分配.

  • Outing Club
  • Kent Island
  • Conduct Review Board member
  • Employed by:
    • Alumni Relations for Reunion
    • Dining for Commencement or Reunion
    • Student Activities for Senior Week

因为留尼汪几乎使用了校园里的每一栋住宅楼, 我们需要在宿舍关闭后将所有留在校园的学生整合到六栋一年级楼中大约两周, so you may need to move to a new room during this time.

Submit a request if you are living in Bowdoin housing this summer. 如果您有其他需求,请提交请求,我们将对其进行审核. Interim Housing applications will open in Bricks & Beyond in late April.

请注意:留校参加高年级周活动的申请将不予批准. Also, if you have an non-Bowdoin internship starting June 1, please plan for alternate housing accordingly.

Summer Housing

Summer Housing is handled by the Events and Summer Programs Office; you can find more information on their website.


在上述任何休息期间,住在校园宿舍都不收取额外的住宿费. 在学年的所有休息时间,当膳食计划暂停时 Bricks and Beyond 注册包括一个复选框,供学生请求膳食援助. 这些申请会被送到学生事务主任办公室,以核实申请人是否获得了经济援助. 该办公室将直接与学生沟通有关批准以及如何在休息期间提供膳食援助. 请注意,秋季学期开始前的8月或春季学期结束后的5月不提供膳食援助.