


A cornerstone of 艺术历史 is the close investigation of objects. 在买球平台, students learn how to look closely to gather insights into an object’s visual and material dimensions, 空间效应, 以及生产技术.  利用校园的建筑, 艺术博物馆的藏品, 北极的博物馆, 以及其他校园收藏, 艺术历史 students engage deeply with actual objects through deliberate and extended examination.  


What happens when you collect objects together for an exhibition? What productive connections and narrative tensions are generated through their display and arrangement? Across our courses, students encounter curating as a critical practice for producing art histories.

Below are examples of exhibitions that have emerged out of 艺术历史 classes.

《变形与恶意: Pontormo’s Three Monochrome Paintings 从 Renaissance Florence and Related Works

作为她课程的最后作业 怪癖 (2022年春季), Professor Susan Wegner asked students to propose possible themes for an exhibition on the artist Pontormo.  She knew that the 买球平台 Museum of 艺术 was planning to bring together two other monochrome paintings to accompany their own 阿波罗和达芙妮.  Ingrid Astley ’24 produced a paper that focused on objectification, 性别, 和蓬托莫工作的代理.  2022年夏天, 在BCMA实习期间, Astley had the opportunity to turn her coursework into what would eventually become 《变形与恶意.  作为学生策展人, Astley continued to work closely with Professor Wegner throughout 2023 to bring the exhibition into fruition. 

中世纪新观点:集锦 从 Wyvern系列

Drawing upon the generous loan of works of art 从 Wyvern系列, one of the most important active private collections of medieval art today, students have had the tremendous opportunity to engage in object-driven learning. Led by Professor Kathryn Gerry, students in the advanced seminar Medieval 艺术 and the Modern Viewer: Building an Exhibition with Wyvern系列 (fall 2019) contributed to research on objects central to the exhibition 中世纪新观点:集锦  Wyvern系列. 格里教授的入门级课程 构建虚拟展览:亲身体验 (2020年秋季), students then created a website that offered virtual visitors a chance to experience these fantastic works of medieval art.  在整个课程中, students explored a variety of new technologies and digital strategies drawn 从 the digital humanities and computer sciences, 包括3D建模, 增强现实(AR), and the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) to research and present outstanding pieces of medieval art 从 Wyvern系列. 


Dana Byrd教授的学生 Shoot, Snap, Instagram: A History of Photography in America (2016春季)策展 an exhibition of the same title based on the photographic holdings of the College’s George J. 米切尔特别收藏部 & 档案(SC&A). 和Marieke Van Der Steenhoven密切合作, 特别收藏教育和外联馆员, students engaged in the archive while learning about curatorial processes.  The sixteen students each took charge of a theme and display that opened on the second floor gallery of the Hawthorne-Longfellow Library.

Sosaku-hanga: Twentieth-century Japanese Creative Prints

Curated by Professor Alison Miller and students in her advanced seminar 日本版画文化 (2016年秋季) Sosaku-hanga drew 从 the 买球平台 Museum of 艺术’s collection twentieth-century Japanese creative prints.  在整个课程中, 学生们选择作品进行研究, 在他们的物品上写标签, 并讨论了展览设计.  The exhibition was included as part of the museum’s larger exhibition 艺术 & 1900年至今的决议.

美丽的怪物, Elegant Distortions: The 艺术ifice of Sixteenth-century 怪癖

在苏珊·韦格纳教授的带领下,学生们 怪癖 (2016春季)策展 美丽的怪物 买球平台艺术博物馆.  The exhibition examined the works of artists employed by European courts in the sixteenth century, 比如佛罗伦萨的美第奇家族, 法国皇室在枫丹白露, and the Holy Roman Imperial courts in Vienna and Prague.  展示他们在课程中的发现, students showcased how artists of the sixteenth century catered to the refined tastes of the European nobility by inventing sublime distortions of the human body, 寓言的怪物, 装饰性的怪诞.

Empire Follows 艺术”: Culture and Identity in the Atlantic World

Dana Byrd教授课上的学生 Sugar, Tobacco, Rice, and Rum: Identity and Culture in the Atlantic World (spring 2015) organized an exhibition at the 买球平台 Museum of 艺术 that highlighted the experience of the Atlantic World through art and artifacts. 从画廊布局到标签, creative student curators demonstrated that objects drawn 从 the collection could shed light on the development of economic, 社会, 以及欧洲之间的知识联系, 非洲, 和美国. 

五十年后: 美国绘画中的黑人形象 (数码展览)

在Dana Byrd教授的高级研讨会上, 视觉艺术中的种族与表现,1620-1976 (spring 2014), students examined a critical piece of Bowdoin history: the 1964 exhibition 美国绘画中的黑人形象 that was held at 买球平台 during the height of the Civil Rights movement. Students’ final research papers—which addressed aspects of the show and its afterlife—serve as the basis of the on-line exhibition 五十年后.  In addition to concise versions of their longer seminar paper, each student also completed provenance research on the eighty paintings exhibited in 1964.

“We Never See Anything Clearly”: John Ruskin and Landscape Painting

Students in Professor Pamela Fletcher’s advanced seminar 了拉斐尔前派艺术家 researched and organized this exhibition focusing on John Ruskin (1819–1900), a prominent English art critic of the Victorian era and English 和美国n artworks drawn 从 the 买球平台 Museum of 艺术’s permanent collection.  Professor Fletcher revisited a key artwork of the exhibition, William Henry Hunt’s 真菌, 2021年的一集 近距离艺术 为了博物馆.